
Little bird, little bird, how exquisite is your color
Ultraviolet metallic from one angle, Caribbean blue from another angle
No painter in the world can mix colors on their palette to portray you precisely
You pluck your own feathers and leave them all over your path purposely
Inexperienced observers will always misunderstand the pattern and think you are crazy
But you learn to be okay with it, you have always been okay with it

Little bird, little bird, if your flock was anything like you,
You must have felt sorry for them cause it wouldn't be a simple ABC
Under your right wing is a giant pool of impressions- most of them sink too quickly
as the new ones surface. Others have been trying to ride at your tempo,
only to see themselves making a baffled face in the mirror
It's not their fault, and let me tell you that it's never your fault too

Little bird, little bird, all you've ever wanted was to fly and sing freely
But sometimes you were trapped inside these iron bars built by other flocks
Soon enough you would realize you have found yourself in there
Between the bars you observed the outside world like there had never been a barrier
You were alone but never really isolated- your flock often came to hear your wonderful warble
They would enjoy your story-telling, you've been doing a good job at keeping company

Little bird, little bird, you need to learn to make peace with yourself
Everyone is in awe of your various acrobatic flying skills, except you
What you know is that your flock finds your iridescence intriguing yet alarming
What if i tell you that nobody has ever really touched you with their fingertips, 
Only because you never let them. Only because you feared of being captured and used

Little bird, little bird, everything is going to be just fine
Dropping that heavy armor on your chest occassionaly won't get you killed
You must be so tired of getting perceived as a trickster everytime you throw your coin, and decide it's a showtime 
The truth is, everyone just always wanted to define you as one color because it's simpler to them

When you see another bird that is just like you, you will be beyond terrified
Because everything you hate about yourself is reflecting back at you

But little bird, let me tell you that you are not crazy. You never were, you will never be.


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