Fake Stars

Cold beer, night fireworks at the fair. Strangers’ faces were illuminated by yellow and purple light of the flare. I read them a poem, and they said they’ve never heard something like it anywhere. We all learned how well giggles could conceal all our nightmares. But did they ever see me when i laid me bare?

Cold beer, night fireworks at the fair. I heard myself mouthing hopeful words like it’s a prayer. Ignoring the high altitude where i breathed the thin air. I thought i was levitating, i guess i just felt light-headed and pretended not to care. And i would go telling myself a hundred times that my heart couldn’t go despair.

Cold beer, night fireworks at the fair. In all honesty, i despised these fake lights thrown to the open air. Whose sparks died within seconds like short love affair. So i fixated my eyes on those stars that shined bright beyond compare. I tried to hold tight this alexandrite for it was rare.



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