Mirror Talk

Seeing you in the mirror from the close-up, little kid look how much you’ve grown up. Snippets of memories flash in your eyes, from the times you’ve spent down the hell and up above the skies. All the times you took playing in the water, cause the depth of the ocean never turns you into nail-biter. 

“Hey look at my tattoos, aren’t they so cool?”, you smile with such confidence. A quality that was once concealed, now is so evident. Except they’re not tattoos but ugly scars, the fact that you joke about them now tells that you have come so far. Arms full of scratches from conquering mountains one by one, but the view from where you’re standing now makes you completely stunned. “I’m proud of you. Very.” I say as i huff in relief, we had quite history of neverending tug-of-war and beef. But isn’t that the story of every bestfriend? Nothing can never break this bond, we fight then we make amends.

Student of life, did it piss off your brilliant self everytime you messed up your exams? Trying your hardest to survive in the world full of scams. People tell me you showed up in their dreams, but who the hell is that girl? Damsel in distress trapped in a high tower but this isn’t Tangled, i’m afraid they see you from all the wrong angles. So you snap a finger and uncover yourself like Russian doll, but they turn back on you facing the wall. Is that why they only treat you right in their dream, and dismiss the actual you with silent scream? Nothing you can say if that’s their truth, even if it pierced you through.

You’ve been haunted by the ghosts of people’s past archenemies, as they’re busy finding all kinds of remedies. Few pennies in their pocket, but you have them in buckets. I guess they now get it when someone says you can’t pour from an empty cup, cause none of their actions can back it up. And i wonder if you’re tired, having to always step up to call it quits. Making hard decisions when people refuse to just deal with it. I know you won’t give up on something rare without a fight, best believe you will try to do something right. And i can also count on you to stand up for yourself. For us. With you, i feel safe.

Looking back, you know you can’t villainize them, can you? For we’re all just broken bones covered in skin trying day by day to make do. So now you sit here talking to the sky, asking for something stronger than time to be the healing agent for someone with tired eyes. Big lump in his throat, trying to decode these rambles that i wrote. I was once obsessed with knowing all the secrets of the world, but now it’s more than enough to just understand our worth. To trust, that everyone can fill up their own cups, and have all the power to invite the right people into our secluded little club.



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